Mushroom Zucchini Cauliflower in Creamy Basil Pesto sauce
I took a dig at the Italian Cuisine with flavors of my own with this one. It is a light recipe and can be cooked pretty quick, it provides a savory taste and lets you go out of your comfort zone to cook something different for you family.
Cuisine - Italian, Indian,
Keywords- Vegetarian, Mushroom, Tasty, Cooking, Recipe
Prep Time – 10 Mins.
Cook Time – 30 Mins, if you can cook the items in parallel.
4 spoon oil.
12 Mushrooms thinly sliced
1 Zucchini
½ Cauliflower
1 red/yellow bell peppers
½ Spoon of Cumin powder
½ spoon of Turmeric powder
Salt to taste
1 onion
2.5 spoon of pesto basil sauce
1 spoon of Chilli powder
1 spoon of Coriander powder
½ cup milk cream.
¼ cup fresh Parsely
1. Cut mushrooms and put them to boil in a pan with a pinch of salt.
2. Cut zucchini, cauliflower and red/yellow bell peppers and sauté them in light oil, spoon of turmeric, cumin and salt.. keep aside.
3. Take a pan , light oil , sauté onions till golden brown , add a spoon of coriander powder sauté for a minute and add the pesto basil sauce (2.5 Spoon) .
4. Close the lid for 5 mins.
5. Add the veggies and mushrooms and then add some milk cream ( heavy whipping), also add water as required (you can use the same water used to boil mushroom for taste)
6. Add salt to taste.
7. Garnish with Fresh Parsley and serve hot.
8. You can use the sauce sold in Costco, or make them using the mix and olive oil. The mix is available in Walmart. You can also make some fresh sauce if you have time...:)